Choosing a Pillow for Your Child

My daughter is 2 years old and tends to sweat easily, even during winter sleep, when her head often feels damp. I want to buy her a pillow but am unsure which type is suitable. Is a silk sand core pillow appropriate? Are there benefits to the traditional Chinese medicine ingredients in the pillow core?
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Dealing with Children’s Kneecap Crackling Sounds

During physical activities, one often hears ‘cracking’ sounds, such as the knee joint when squatting, hip joint when walking, neck and cervical spine when turning, fingers when gripping, and fingers when hearing sounds…These sounds are usually referred to as ‘snapping’. When accompanied by pain or limited joint movement, it is necessary to go to the hospital to determine if the joint is dislocated or damaged. People who work for long periods, such as teachers, editors, secretaries, computer data entry personnel, etc., often complain about their cervical spine ‘rebounding’, and the appearance of the rebound is just a reminder to people not to maintain the same posture for a long time but to engage in more physical activity. It is best to stand up and move around slightly every 15 to 30 minutes.
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Dealing with Partial Intestinal Obstruction

A two-year-old child presented with symptoms of abdominal pain for four hours and vomiting once, had been given 654-2 but showed no improvement and was admitted to the hospital. Physical examination revealed the main symptom to be periumbilical pain, with other test results negative. X-rays showed intestinal distension, and ultrasound examination was negative. How do experts diagnose this condition?
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