How to Treat Red Lips with Blisters in Children

Red lips with blisters in children may be caused by HSV-1, leading to herpes simplex, which typically heals on its own within about two weeks. Treatment focuses on keeping the area dry, soothing symptoms, and preventing infection. Topical medications such as 1% zinc chloride oil or purple root oil can be used. In terms of diet, avoid nuts, chocolate, and seeds, and consume lysine-rich foods like kidneys and beans.
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How to Treat Uncontrollable Tremors from the Wrist to the Fingers of the Right Hand

A child was found to have uncoordinated limbs at birth, and after treatment, although discharged from the hospital, there is still a persistent tremor in the wrist and fingers of the right hand. It is recommended to undergo a detailed examination to determine the cause of the condition and to adopt appropriate treatment.
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