How to Treat a Child’s Sore Throat Effectively

How can you effectively treat a child’s sore throat? Antibiotic medications are commonly used for treating tonsillitis. Additionally, regional rinsing, regional spraying, or intratonsillar injection of symptomatic medications can be performed. If the sore throat is severe, painkillers can be administered. For persistent fever that does not subside, oral antipyretics can be taken. If tonsillitis recurs frequently, it is recommended to undergo surgery as soon as possible, engage in moderate exercise after the condition improves, and boost immunity to prevent recurrence.
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How to Treat a Child’s Sore Throat Effectively

In clinical treatment of pediatric tonsillitis, antibiotics are primarily used. The choice of sensitive medication can be made based on bacterial culture, with good results. For regional treatment, it is recommended to choose laser therapy or drug irrigation. In necessary cases, such as when a child has severe throat pain, painkillers can be administered. If the child has a slight fever, it is advisable to consider antipyretic measures. If the temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, immediate medical attention is required. Tonsillitis is characterized by recurrent attacks. If similar conditions exist, surgery can be considered after the inflammation is controlled. It is recommended to let the child engage in moderate exercise after the condition improves to enhance immunity and prevent recurrence.
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Treatment Methods for Young Children with Sore Throat and Fever

In the treatment of young children with sore throat and fever, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory medications, laser therapy, or medication irrigation. At the same time, administering appropriate painkillers can help alleviate throat pain. If the fever is severe, medical attention should be sought as soon as possible. For children with frequent acute severe attacks or complications, consideration can be given to tonsillectomy. During the treatment period, attention should also be paid to diet and hygiene as well as sufficient rest.
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