Can Calcium D3 Be Taken Together?

Can Calcium D3 be taken together? The answer is yes, as they can treat and prevent rickets in children, and also have a therapeutic effect on symptoms such as excessive sweating, night terrors, loss of appetite, indigestion, and slow growth. Children under five years old can take 7 grams (1.4 packets) daily, divided into three doses. Please note that when using this product, do not take other vitamin D medications simultaneously.
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Can Children with Bronchitis Eat Watermelons?

Children with bronchitis can eat watermelons in moderation when they do not have symptoms like fever and complications. Watermelons are rich in water and vitamins, which can help relieve cough and throat discomfort. However, if the condition is severe or there are other complications, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Additionally, the baby’s diet should be light, avoiding overly greasy or irritating foods to prevent exacerbating the symptoms.
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