Antibiotics are one of the commonly used medications for treating tonsillitis, and regional cleaning or spraying can be considered, along with symptomatic medication injections. In cases of sore throat, painkillers can be administered to the child. For persistent fever, antipyretics should be used promptly. In addition to medication treatment, if the child frequently experiences recurrent inflammation, parents can consider surgical treatment under a doctor’s guidance. At the same time, it is important to arrange for a light diet and enhance nutritional supplementation to aid in a quicker recovery.
It is recommended to give children anti-inflammatory medication, and regional treatment or laser therapy may be considered if necessary. If there are symptoms of sore throat, painkillers can be considered to relieve the discomfort. If there is a fever, it is advisable to take antipyretic medication. If the fever persists, it is essential to seek medical attention promptly. Tonsillitis often recurs, and after controlling the inflammation, surgery can be considered. Parents should also ensure their child stays warm to prevent catching a cold and triggering another episode of tonsillitis.
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It is recommended to follow medical instructions, administer oral anti-inflammatory medications to the child, and consider regional treatments such as tonsil crypt irrigation, direct drug injection, etc. If the sore throat is severe, moderate painkillers may be administered. For fever, choose a cooling method based on body temperature; below 38.5 degrees Celsius, consider physical cooling methods, and above 38.5 degrees Celsius, oral fever-reducing medication can be taken. If the medication is ineffective and there are recurrent episodes, it is advisable to consider surgical treatment. After the condition improves, it is recommended to let the child engage in moderate exercise to enhance immunity and prevent recurrence.
After a 10-month-old baby has a high fever for three days, small red spots appear on the face again. Parents are unsure how to differentiate whether these red spots are caused by drug allergies leading to drug eruptions or pediatric exanthema.
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My son is 6 years old and still wets the bed every day, and the sheets need to be changed constantly. It’s a hassle to wash and dry them. I remember seeing something on Douyin that could make bedwetting sheets dry without a trace, but I forgot. Do doctors know about this?
Learn about effective treatment options for a child’s tonsillitis, including medication, regional therapy, and surgical options, as well as the importance of daily care.
Treatment Methods and Precautions for Children’s Tonsillitis
Understanding the Treatment Methods and Precautions for Children’s Otitis Media