How Likely Is It for Children with Epilepsy to Heal on Their Own?

Neurology experts say that it is not recommended to use pressure therapy due to certain risks. Pressure therapy may lead to brain cell asphyxiation, edema, decreased memory, personality changes, and slow reactions. Epilepsy is a difficult-to-cure disease, but there is still a possibility of spontaneous remission. Long-term medication may have adverse effects on children, so it is advisable to be cautious with treatment plans and seek professional medical advice.
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How Long Does It Take to Treat Pediatric Epilepsy?

The duration of pediatric epilepsy treatment depends on its classification, usually categorized as primary epilepsy and secondary epilepsy. Primary epilepsy may be related to genetic factors, while secondary epilepsy is often associated with brain injuries. Treatment typically requires a longer period, but in some cases, it can heal spontaneously within 1-2 years.
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How Should Pediatric Epilepsy Be Treated?

Repeated convulsions are manifested by upward gaze of the eyes and flexion of both arms, without backward tilting of the head. The children’s hospital diagnosed it as epilepsy, but she sometimes has loud crying out of nowhere during normal activities, lasting about 5-30 minutes. Is this phenomenon an epilepsy seizure?
3 minutes to read