How to Effectively Treat Epilepsy Caused by Birth Injuries in Children
The after-effects and treatment methods of infant epilepsy
Children have shorter and wider eustachian tubes that are positioned horizontally, making them more susceptible to upper respiratory infections.
Understand the early symptoms and long-term complications of juvenile diabetes.
Understanding the clinical manifestations of severe hand, foot, and mouth disease, including symptoms like fever and rashes, as well as how to recognize and deal with them.
A post introducing the common symptoms of cerebral palsy
Pediatric tonsillitis is a serious condition, common symptoms include sore throat, fever, chills, headache, and general weakness, and treatment should be sought promptly.
What are the early symptoms of pediatric diabetes?
This article discusses the possible causes and effects of reddening on a baby’s forehead during head washing.
Based on the description, the lumps behind the baby’s ears, which are about the size of a soybean, may be lymph nodes.