When a child experiences allergic cough, it is important to avoid overusing medication and to seek out allergens for desensitization treatment.
Treatment Methods for Pediatric Allergic Purpura
Inquiring about the effectiveness of Chinese medicine in the treatment of pediatric epilepsy
Explore the causes and treatment methods of pediatric chronic congestive splenomegaly, especially the related factors of portal hypertension.
A two-year-old child’s fever symptoms have disappeared, and the stool has become thicker with fewer bowel movements. However, the stool test is still above the normal range. How should pediatric infectious diarrhea be treated?
What should be done if a child is diagnosed with metastatic osteosarcoma?
The treatment for pediatric nasal sinusitis includes medication and surgical methods, which should be selected based on the condition.
This post introduces the treatment methods for pediatric otitis media, including symptomatic treatment and the use of antibiotics.
This article provides treatment suggestions and daily preventive measures for pediatric otitis media.
Treatment Methods for Secretory Otitis Media