Red dots appearing after a baby’s high fever may be caused by a viral infection. There is no specific effective treatment, and the main approach is to provide systemic supportive therapy and symptomatic treatment.
Treatment and care methods for pediatric asthmatic bronchitis
With onset around one year of age and looking at people with strabismus, plastic surgery can be considered, which is more effective and generally less expensive. Before treatment, it is important to clarify the cause of the child’s strabismus and amblyopia, and adopt targeted treatment methods to achieve the therapeutic effect. Daily care measures should not be ignored. It is recommended to drink more water and eat more vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits.
Phenylketonuria is a congenital disease that cannot be cured, but with proper treatment and dietary control, symptoms can be alleviated and the patient’s quality of life can be improved.
The treatment for hand, foot, and mouth disease includes the use of antiviral medications and antibiotics, but should be administered under a doctor’s guidance.
Pediatric otitis media is curable, with symptoms including purulent discharge from the ear, a feeling of ear fullness, or pressure. Acute pediatric otitis media often presents with fever, and young children may become restless, cry without reason, or constantly pull their ears due to inability to express the discomfort.
A four-year-old child with otitis media experienced recurrence after treatment, with blood tests indicating bacterial infection and considering the possibility of mycoplasma infection.
A 2-month-old boy presents with tonsillitis accompanied by low-grade fever. The primary treatment methods include antibiotics and regional therapy.
Recommendations for the treatment and home care of a 29-day-old infant with pneumonia
Discussing the treatment methods for a three-month-old baby’s cough