Baby’s Stool Looks Like Egg Flowers, 8-Month-Old Baby Experiencing Abnormal Stool

A parent inquires about an 8-month-old baby’s stool appearing like egg flowers and persisting for a month without improvement. The baby has taken probiotics and Bifidobacterium and Golden Bifidobacterium but the situation has not improved. They hope to understand if it’s possible to take both Bifidobacterium and Golden Bifidobacterium simultaneously, and to receive appropriate advice on improving the baby’s digestion issues.
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Dealing with Changes in Baby’s Stool Color

A 50-day-old baby has varying stool colors, sometimes yellow and sometimes green, with occasional brown mucus. The baby is exclusively breastfed and in good spirits. For the past three to four days, the stool has been yellow, green, and occasionally contains brown mucus. No history or effect of treatment.
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