Does Excessive Consumption of Cold Drinks Cause Diarrhea in Children?

With the recent hot weather, the frequency of children eating ice cream has significantly increased. Parents buy large quantities of ice cream for their children, who finish it all in a short time. In this situation, if children experience diarrhea symptoms, could it be related to excessive consumption of cold drinks?
One minute to read

How to Handle a Child’s Diarrhea That Has Lasted for Three Months

A 15-month-old infant has been suffering from diarrhea for three months, with varying stool consistency ranging from watery to paste-like. The stool color may be green or yellow, and there is no odor. Regular stool tests and bacterial culture results are normal, no parasites detected, and rotavirus test is negative. The child has a good appetite and shows no signs of obvious dehydration.
2 minutes to read