Differentiating Gastroenteritis and Pancreatitis in Neonates

The patient was admitted on July 3rd with abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea, with urinary amylase at 963U/L, blood amylase at 56U/L, and white blood cells at 11.34*10^9/L, with a normal ultrasound. On July 4th, recheck showed normal blood and urine amylase, normal thyroid function, and tumor markers. Albumin was slightly low at 32.2g/L, alkaline phosphatase was normal. Endoscopy revealed hypertrophic gastritis and gastric antrum erosion, with a negative HP test. Discharged on July 8th. On the evening of July 17th, the patient experienced fever, diarrhea, and mild abdominal pain again, with body temperature dropping to 37.3 degrees after taking antipyretics and antibiotics. Inquiry regarding diagnosis.
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