How to Effectively Treat High Platelet Count Tonsillitis?

I’ve been feeling not too well lately and don’t know what’s going on. How should I effectively treat high platelet count tonsillitis? Acupuncture for tonsillitis can only have some auxiliary therapeutic effects and cannot replace medication. Intravenous administration of penicillin or cephalosporin drugs is recommended for tonsillitis. At the same time, pay attention to drinking plenty of plain water, eating a light diet, and avoiding spicy and stimulating food. Adjust clothing according to weather changes. In addition to treating tonsillitis symptomatically, patients should also pay attention to diet, such as eating appropriately and maintaining a cheerful mood. At the same time, patients should consider consulting a top-tier hospital for better treatment outcomes.
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How to Effectively Treat Low Fever in Children with tonsillitis

Parents can give their children anti-inflammatory medications, combined with regional treatments such as tonsil lavage, medication injections. For throat pain, painkillers can be used. For fever, oral antipyretics can be administered. If ineffective, medical attention is required. For recurrent inflammation, consider surgical treatment. Pay attention to timely medical treatment and preventive care in daily life.
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