Can a Child with Sinusitis Undergo International 3A Circumcision Surgery?

A child has had sinusitis for several years, with symptoms including runny nose, eye itching, and nasal congestion. A sinus CT scan and nasal endoscopy may be required for diagnosis. Nasal drops containing 1% ephedrine can improve drainage, and symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication can be administered via intravenous injection and oral treatment with Huo Dan Wan. It is also important to strengthen physical exercise to enhance the immune system and prevent colds. It is recommended to seek medical attention promptly and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment. Regular exercise and attention to preventing heat should be maintained to help the child recover quickly.
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Can a Child’s Eardrum Perforation Be Healed?

After a child’s eardrum perforates, there is a chance for it to heal on its own if no secondary infection occurs. Preventing infection is crucial; avoid catching a cold, blowing your nose too hard, and prevent water from entering the ear. A follow-up check is needed after a month, and it usually does not lead to deafness. Wishing the patient a swift recovery and a healthy body and a beautiful life.
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Can a Child’s Hearing Problem Be Cured?

Ear drum perforation can lead to hearing loss, which can generally be treated with artificial eardrum implantation surgery, or by wearing hearing aids. Perforations in the ear drum caused by trauma typically heal on their own without secondary infection, as long as the perforation area is not large.
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