Can Allergic Rhinitis and Otitis Media in Children Be Cured Permanently?

Children have shorter eustachian tubes, which make it easier for pharyngitis to lead to otitis media. In the acute phase, pain is common. If not treated promptly or improperly, it may develop into chronic otitis media, resulting in persistent discharge from the ear canal. It is recommended to seek early treatment to prevent future complications.
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Can Chronic Otitis Media Be Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Chronic otitis media infections may have a slow recurrence but can cause significant damage, potentially leading to permanent harm. Early detection and treatment are crucial. It is recommended to combine acupuncture with Western medication for better results. For pediatric patients with otitis media, it is advised to seek professional opinion and treatment as soon as possible. In daily life, drinking plenty of water and paying attention to diet can help improve the condition sooner.
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