What Are the Harmful Manifestations of Optic Nerve Atrophy?

Vision deterioration is one of the most apparent harmful effects of optic nerve atrophy. If not treated promptly, vision can continue to decline. It is recommended to undergo regular eye exams to observe changes in the nerve fiber layer around the optic disc and the blood vessels of the retina, as well as to conduct tests on visual field and color vision to monitor the progression of the condition. This disease often results from X-linked dominant inheritance, making treatment more challenging, but genetic risk can be reduced through optimal breeding.
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What Are the Main Treatment Methods for Optic Nerve Atrophy?

Optic nerve atrophy is primarily treated with medication to control the condition and maintain existing vision, although it cannot be fully cured or restored. Without active treatment, the condition may worsen, leading to blindness. Parents should promptly identify any abnormalities in their children and take them to the hospital for treatment, while also paying attention to their diet to achieve effective treatment.
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