Neurology: How to Treat and Cure Optic Nerve Atrophy?

A 24-year-old male has been feeling unwell gradually, without any energy. Please ask: How can optic nerve atrophy be treated and cured? Optic nerve atrophy is divided into primary and secondary types, with treatment targeting the cause being more effective for the latter. Once the optic nerve swells, it is difficult to alleviate or recover. Currently, there is no effective treatment method in clinical diagnosis, and generally, vasodilators and nerve-nourishing drugs are used to slow the progression of the disease. You can try traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture. Avoid any psychological pressure, maintain a cheerful mood, and pay attention to rest during this period. Also, keep your diet light and avoid greasy and spicy foods, which is beneficial for both you and the fetus in your womb.
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