Orbital Disease and Tumor Postoperative Follow-up and Treatment

One and a half months after orbital disease and tumor surgery, a patient inquires whether an orbital CT scan can be performed. The doctor suggests confirming complete recovery before resuming normal work and mentions that the cost of the CT scan is usually around a few hundred yuan. At the same time, the patient is advised to consult experts, maintain communication with the doctor, pay attention to a light diet, and choose a professional hospital for treatment to achieve better therapeutic results.
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Orbital Tumor Overview

Orbital tumors encompass tumors of the eyelids, conjunctiva, layers of the eye, and its appendages. Both benign and malignant tumors can damage eye tissues and functions, with malignant tumors potentially harming the eye and vision. They can also spread to the periorbital area, intracranial space, or metastasize throughout the body. It is recommended to undergo a detailed examination at a hospital.
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