Can an Ophthalmologist Help Determine If It’s Glaucoma?

The diagnosis of glaucoma requires a comprehensive analysis of eye pressure, fundus, and field of vision. Based on your description and the examination data, it is currently impossible to determine if you have glaucoma. It is recommended that you pay attention to eye rest and scientific eye use in the near future.
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Can Babies with Amblyopia Watch TV?

The key to amblyopia treatment is accurate refraction. Children need to undergo mydriasis for refraction and wear glasses that fit them, and treatment is then carried out on this basis. Traditional occlusion therapy and visual stimulation therapy are commonly used treatment methods.
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Can Baby Myopia Be Cured?

Baby myopia can be improved through wearing appropriate glasses or undergoing laser surgery. Daily activities should include proper rest and eye exercises. Avoid spicy, alcoholic, and other irritating foods, and consume more vitamin-rich foods.
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