How to Treat Pediatric Glaucoma?

Pediatric glaucoma primarily includes acquired glaucoma and developmental glaucoma associated with congenital anomalies. Treatment methods include surgical procedures such as trabeculectomy, iridectomy, trabeculectomy, aqueous shunt devices, and ciliary body ablation. For early-stage glaucoma with clear corneas, trabeculectomy is commonly performed; if the cornea is not clear, trabeculectomy may be chosen.
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How to Treat Pediatric Myopia

A 7-year-old child is experiencing blurred vision and tilting when observing objects, and it is essential to check with a hospital as soon as possible to determine the cause. Wear glasses with the appropriate prescription and have them checked every three months. Replace lenses promptly if there are any changes. It is crucial to discover and treat myopia early for better outcomes. In daily life, be mindful of moderate eye use, keep away from computers and televisions, and teach children eye exercises. Often take children outdoors to look at green plants and distant landscapes. Additionally, provide a balanced diet for children, cultivating good eating habits, and ensure they consume plenty of vitamin and beta-carotene-rich foods, avoiding meat deficiencies and dietary imbalances, and eating fresh fruits and vegetables.
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How to Treat Pediatric Strabismus?

Seek information on the best treatment institutions in Shanghai, including surgery success rates and costs. Current situation: Intermittent exotropia, worsened under strong light, mostly normal in most cases, occurs when attention is not focused. Causes: May be genetic and issues with eye muscles. Suggest early corrective surgery.
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