How to Treat Optic Nerve Atrophy Caused by Trauma?

How to Treat Optic Nerve Atrophy Caused by Trauma? According to your description, you should have already been diagnosed with an ophthalmic disease caused by trauma. It should be differentiated from conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts. Please visit a regular ophthalmology hospital for examination, maintain a positive mood, eat a balanced diet, ensure a well-rounded nutrition, and engage in moderate exercise. I hope my explanation can help you. For children, optic nerve atrophy can have a significant impact. It is recommended that parents take their children to a specialized department for a follow-up examination and treatment under the guidance of a doctor. In daily life, provide children with enough care and attention, pay close attention to their dietary issues, and wish them a speedy recovery!
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How to Treat Optic Nerve Atrophy?

The treatment for optic nerve atrophy includes neurotrophic medications and a comprehensive approach combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine. While complete recovery may be challenging, treatment can help restore or maintain the function of remaining nerve fibers. Patients should maintain confidence and persist with treatment. Since the effectiveness of medications is difficult to prove through rigorous double-blind experiments, it is hard to determine which drug or treatment method is definitely effective. Commonly used medications include neurotrophic drugs such as Vitamin B1, B12, ATP, and Coenzyme A.
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