How to Treat Children’s Amblyopia and Strabismus Reliably?

Based on the child’s condition, it is recommended that parents take their child to a regular hospital for basic detailed examinations related to strabismus. This includes asking about medical history, conducting detailed visual function examinations, measuring the degree of strabismus, and using mydriatic eye exams, which can affect binocular vision and stereoscopic vision. Mild strabismus can be corrected with prism glasses, while severe cases may require surgical treatment. It is advised to visit a regular hospital to determine the best treatment method based on the child’s condition. Different causes lead to different symptoms, and patients need to undergo systematic and standardized examinations at a regular top-tier hospital as soon as possible in order to receive targeted treatment and recover quickly.
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How to Treat Congenital Lacrimal Duct Obstruction in Newborns?

During the newborn period, if a child has nasal lacrimal duct obstruction, the lacrimal sac is prone to recurrent dacryocystitis. Treatment involves controlling infection first, and then using massage or surgery to treat congenital nasal lacrimal duct obstruction. Generally, conservative massage treatment is adopted within the first six months, and more aggressive surgical treatment is considered after six months.
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