How to Treat a 6-Year-Old Child’s Blocked Tear Duct?

A blocked tear duct in infants can lead to symptoms like excessive tearing, and conservative treatment can be initiated first, including local application of antibiotic eye drops and massage. However, it is crucial to understand the cause of the blockage before treatment, implement symptomatic therapy, and pay attention to daily care. It is recommended to drink plenty of water and consume fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins.
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How to Treat a Baby’s Strabismus

If a baby’s eyes are always watering and they tend to cry a lot soon after birth, it might be a case of strabismus. It’s recommended to enhance nutrition, supplement vitamins and trace elements, maintain a pleasant mood, and ensure adequate rest. Consult an ophthalmologist for corrective treatment and avoid adverse stimuli. Conjunctivitis may cause similar symptoms, and can be treated with alternating use of antibiotic and corticosteroid eye drops. Apply erythromycin ointment at night, along with oral antibiotics. Avoid spicy and alcoholic irritant foods, and increase vitamin intake.
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How to Treat a Child’s Myopia

A 7-year-old girl reports that she cannot see distant objects clearly and struggles to read the blackboard during class. She is worried about the situation worsening. How should one treat a child’s myopia?
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