How to Improve Children’s Retinal Diseases?

My child keeps saying they can’t see the blackboard clearly, but they are still young and don’t play with phones. They don’t read in bed and their posture while writing is correct. How can they not be able to see the blackboard? I took them to the hospital and found out it’s pediatric retinopathy. What should I do?
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How to Improve Vision for Children with 200-Degree Myopia

Children with 200-degree myopia may sometimes have a wandering eye, which could be due to refractive error or strabismus. It’s advisable to seek medical examination by an ophthalmologist early on to determine the cause. Correction of vision, such as wearing glasses or undergoing surgery, may be necessary. There could also be other refractive errors like hyperopia, myopia, or astigmatism that need to be confirmed through an eye examination.
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How to Manage Optic Nerve Atrophy

Optic nerve atrophy is a severe condition that can lead to blindness and is treatable only with medication. For children, timely treatment and choosing the right treatment method are crucial to prevent the rapid progression of the disease and its severe impact on the child.
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