How Does Nearsightedness in Children Develop?

The causes of nearsightedness in children can be categorized into several types, including strabismic amblyopia, refractive error amblyopia, anisometropic amblyopia, deprivation amblyopia, and congenital amblyopia. Early detection and treatment are crucial for managing amblyopia. For a detailed understanding of how nearsightedness in children develops, it is recommended to take your child to the hospital for a clear diagnosis of the cause and to carefully select a treatment plan.
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How Great Is the Possibility of Glaucoma Being Passed Down to the Next Generation?

Recently, a pregnant woman who has been diagnosed with glaucoma asked her doctor whether glaucoma can be passed down to her child across generations. The doctor replied that there is a possibility of intergenerational inheritance of glaucoma, but not everyone will develop the disease again. It is recommended that pregnant women regularly check their intraocular pressure and fundus conditions, and early detection and treatment are crucial.
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How High is the Blindness Rate from Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye disease that can lead to damage of the optic nerve, affect vision, and ultimately cause blindness. Timely treatment can prevent deafness. What are the chances of a 37-year-old person going blind after being diagnosed with glaucoma, and the likelihood of infection spreading to the other eye?
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