Eye Care: Effective Glaucoma Treatment Methods

Absolute glaucoma is caused by a continuous high intraocular pressure, leading to the barrier function loss of the corneal endothelium and the formation of bullous keratopathy. The best initial treatment for glaucoma is medication, including acetazolamide, timolol maleate eye drops, and homatropine hydrobromide eye drops. If the intraocular pressure cannot be controlled even at the maximum medication dose, surgical treatment may be considered. Since the causes of glaucoma are diverse, it is essential to understand the etiology before treatment and adopt a symptomatic treatment strategy. Moreover, daily care measures are indispensable. It is recommended to drink plenty of water and consume vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins.
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Eye Clinic: Is the Pupil Dilation Normal?

The causes of retinopathy of prematurity are diverse. Before treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause and adopt targeted treatment. The patient is a 36-year-old female with an injury to her right eye, currently with a vision of 0.2 and the pupil completely dilated. It is recommended to go to a professional hospital for systematic diagnosis and treatment, and to cooperate with appropriate daily care.
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Eye Clinic: Solutions for Left Eye Flashing Accompanied by Headache and Neck Pain

A patient sought medical advice due to left eye flashing accompanied by headache and neck pain. Upon inquiry, it was found to be related to overuse of eyes and external force. Recommendations include taking more rest, reducing the use of 3C products, and wearing appropriate glasses. Eye cold compress, massage, and oral blood circulation medication can also be considered.
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