Does a Baby’s Unexplained Crying Affect Vision?

Unexplained crying in a baby is most likely due to lacrimal duct obstruction. By the age of 1, the lacrimal glands are fully developed. If a baby continues to cry with tears in one eye and not the other, surgical treatment may be necessary, but it will not affect the child’s vision.
One minute to read

Does a Child’s Stye Affect Vision?

A child developed a stye, about 2 days ago, with swelling in the eye and even the right face. It started to hurt slightly the day before, but was not paid much attention to. It became particularly painful a day ago, with the eye becoming congested. Since it was the first time, local doctors were consulted and fluoroquinolone eye drops were prescribed. How long does it take for a child’s stye to heal?
One minute to read

Does Blindness After Glaucoma Surgery Require Another Operation?

My father had a glaucoma surgery at the Northern Hospital over 20 years ago and is now 69 years old. He has only one eye with a vision of 0.25, and the other eye is completely blind. The eye that had the surgery recently measured normal intraocular pressure on November 12th, with vision still at 0.25. Now, during the day, he seems to see things with a foggy sensation, is sensitive to light, and takes several minutes to recover vision when entering a dark place. Sometimes his eyes briefly turn white before returning to normal. Do I need another surgery? If not, what medications can improve vision clarity and control the disease from worsening? Will not undergoing surgery lead to complete blindness? Thank you for your response.
2 minutes to read