Do I Need Surgery for Glaucoma?

Based on your condition, glaucoma can be caused by congenital or acquired factors such as genetic predisposition, developmental abnormalities, or acquired eye diseases or excessive eye strain. It is recommended to seek medical advice nearby and confirm the type of glaucoma. For angle-closure glaucoma, surgery is usually suggested.
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Do You Need to Use Mydriasis for Amblyopia Examination?

A 9-year-old girl watches TV very closely, and she can’t see clearly if she sits further away. The hospital examination shows symptoms of strabismus, and the parents are very worried about their child’s condition. Do you need to use mydriasis for the amblyopia examination? Amblyopia examination requires mydriasis to accurately obtain the results. The younger the child, the better the correction effect after treatment, as children’s eyes are not fully grown and developed. It is best to consult a doctor at a professional hospital during the treatment process. Different causes can lead to different symptoms, and patients need to go to a regular top-grade hospital for systematic and standardized examinations as soon as possible for targeted treatment. In addition, patients should maintain regular work and rest times, do a good job of keeping warm, eat more light and soft foods, keep indoor ventilation, and drink more hot water.
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