Causes and Treatment Methods of Unclear Vision

The child has been complaining about blurred vision for two weeks. After a thorough examination, the vision was found to be 0.6. The doctor recommended using mydriatic eye drops and a re-examination in 20 days, with the possibility of needing to wear glasses. Inquire whether this is myopia and the treatment methods for not wearing glasses.
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Causes and Treatment of Pediatric Optic Nerve Atrophy

Optic nerve atrophy is not a disease itself, but a symptom resulting from pathological changes in retinal ganglion cells and their axons. The treatment of the underlying cause is crucial. While complete recovery is rare, it is possible to maintain and restore the function of residual nerve fibers. Patients should maintain confidence and persist with treatment. The effectiveness of current medication treatments is still unclear, as there is a lack of rigorous clinical trials.
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Causes and Treatment of White Spot on Newborn’s Pupil

A white spot in a newborn’s retina may be due to congenital developmental abnormalities or degeneration of retinal tissue. It is advisable to take the baby to the hospital’s ophthalmology department for a detailed examination as soon as possible, in order to take appropriate treatment measures based on the diagnosis. It is necessary to determine the cause before treatment and follow the doctor’s instructions for symptomatic treatment. In addition, precautions should be taken to protect the baby’s eyes in daily life, avoid excessive use of electronic products, and consume foods beneficial for eye health.
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