Understanding how to correct strabismus and treatment methods
There are various methods for treating pediatric amblyopia, including patching, suppression therapy, grating therapy, after-image therapy, red-filter therapy, fine motor training, and cycloplegic training. The pediatric strabismus and amblyopia treatment at LV Eye uses the Vivid Vision training system to treat amblyopia. The Vivid Vision CD utilizes technology to create a fun and comprehensive training package tailored to the child’s needs, allowing amblyopic children to complete their amblyopia training in a game format and achieve good clinical results.
Whether strabismus correction can be reimbursed through rural cooperative medical insurance, and how to apply for economic assistance from the Red Cross Society.
It’s important to seek early treatment for amblyopia, which can initially be corrected with glasses. Early detection and treatment of amblyopia offer the possibility of recovery, with the best treatment window being before the age of 6. Pay attention to your child’s posture and prevent them from spending long hours on mobile devices or computers, and avoid reading in dim light. If glasses do not sufficiently correct the vision, surgical treatment may be recommended. The principles of amblyopia treatment include correcting refractive errors; for central fixators, methods such as occlusion therapy, visual stimulation therapy, and strabismus treatment can significantly improve vision; for eccentric fixators, methods like afterimage therapy, red filter or red light flicker therapy, Heiner Brush, and restoring foveal central Depression gaze; as well as binocular training. There is no specific medication for amblyopia. It is recommended to undergo a thorough examination at a hospital as soon as possible, and consider laser surgery if necessary.
A 7-year-old girl reports that she cannot see things in the distance clearly, and she also struggles to see the blackboard during class. She is very worried about the situation worsening. Can nearsightedness be treated through surgery?
Questions and Answers About Advanced Glaucoma Surgical Treatment
Can surgery be used to treat amblyopia?
Amblyopia is an eye disease characterized by delayed and disordered visual development, fundamentally different from myopia and strabismus.
In 1990, eye injury, deafness after surgery. Recent inflammation and pain, unable to open eyes. Previous treatment and outcomes: The surgery was indeed done for cataracts, resulting in deafness immediately after. Recently, there has been a severe inflammation, with intense pain. Desired assistance: Seeking treatment options, considering the need for enucleation and creating an artificial eye.
My son is seven years old and has 125 degrees of myopia. Someone told me about a private hospital that can treat children’s true myopia, and their method is to give the child Chinese medicine. I want to know if this method is effective, or should I take my child for a special eye examination and get glasses?