Why Newborns Have Dark Circles Around Their Eyes and Red Dots: Causes and Treatment Methods

A one-month-old infant is experiencing dark circles around both eyes, accompanied by peeling skin, red spots, and yellowish eye discharge in one eye, while the other remains normal. After a medical consultation, a doctor prescribed Tobradex eye drops. However, the parents are still unsure about the cause. It is believed that this condition may be due to neonatal dacryocystitis, which is caused by the incomplete regression of the embryonic membrane at the lower end of the nasolacrimal duct, leading to the retention of tears and bacteria in the lacrimal sac, thus causing infection. Treatment involves using Tobramycin eye drops (Tobradex) four times a day, massaging the inner corner of the eye before application, ensuring clean hands and trimmed nails. The child should be in a lying position with someone else holding their head and limbs steady. The operator should push from the lacrimal sac area at the root of the nose along the nostril upwards. Pay attention to apply even pressure, ensuring that there is sufficient force but not too much to harm the baby’s skin.
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Will a Child’s Crossed Eyes Get Better on Their Own?

How severe is this for your eyes now? If it’s still in the early stage, the eyes aren’t too severe, and that’s fine. Sleep with your child, change the bed. If the condition is more severe now, consult a doctor to see what treatment options are available. Generally, it is recommended to visit a hospital if it’s severe to see if correction is possible. My advice to you is that since the child is young, the effects of correction or surgical treatment will be better.
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Will Angle-Closure Glaucoma Lead to Blindness?

Angle-closure glaucoma is primarily caused by high intraocular pressure, which can lead to blindness if not treated promptly. Patients should seek professional medical help and follow the doctor’s advice on using medication or undergoing surgery to control the intraocular pressure and protect their vision.
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