What Should Be Checked in the Retina Examination?

General premature birth can lead to symptoms of retinal detachment, and it is recommended to go to a local formal ophthalmology hospital for fundus angiography examination. Due to the various causes of retinopathy in premature infants, it is necessary to understand the etiology before treatment and implement symptomatic treatment principles. Moreover, nursing measures in daily life are indispensable. It is recommended to drink plenty of water and consume vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins.
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What Should I Do About Intermittent Exotropia?

I recently discovered that my strabismus is always bad one moment and good the next, and it’s been going on for a long time. I’d like to ask about the treatment methods for intermittent exotropia, especially for children, and hope the doctor can help us.
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What Should I Do If My Child Has Strabismus?

Strabismus refers to an eye condition where the two eyes cannot simultaneously focus on the same target, leading to a misalignment of the visual axes. This article introduces the classification of strabismus and potential treatment methods.
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