What Causes the Feeling of Something in the Eyes?

The feeling of something in the eyes may be due to eye strain or dryness caused by long hours of computer use and staying up late, or it could be a symptom of eye diseases such as glaucoma. It is recommended to visit a hospital early for a check-up to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.
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What Color Should a Baby’s Sclera Be?

My daughter is four months old, and her sclera appears faintly blue, not white. A doctor mentioned that a blue sclera might indicate anemia. Blue-green sclera is more common in infants, primarily due to the thin choroid, which allows the color of the choroid’s subchoroidal plexus pigment layer to be seen, resulting in a blue-green or purplish color. This is a physiological phenomenon and should not be a cause for concern. Newborns cannot follow a person’s movement with their eyes until about a month after birth; they usually start to fixate on familiar sounds, people, or objects after that. It is recommended that you observe your child for any other symptoms.
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What Could Be Causing Your Baby’s Constant Squinting and Blinking? How to Determine if They Lack Trace Elements?

Frequent blinking and squinting in children may be due to eye allergies or fatigue. It is recommended that parents take their child to the hospital for a detailed eye examination and treatment, and to check for any foreign objects in the child’s eyes. Additionally, a blood trace element test can be conducted to see if the child lacks certain essential elements.
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What Department Should Optic Nerve Atrophy Be Treated At?

Optic nerve atrophy should be treated in the ophthalmology department. The reason is that optic nerve atrophy is caused by pathological damage to retinal ganglion cells and axons, leading to impaired visual transmission, neuron death, and the inability of the visual cortex to form visual perception, resulting in a degenerative change. Treatment is based on etiological treatment, combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine. If the cause is completely eliminated, early treatment may involve large doses of vitamin B, vasodilators, energy mixtures, and other medications to enhance neural nutrition and stabilize symptoms. It is recommended to have regular check-ups at the hospital.
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What Dietary Treatments Are Available for Glaucoma?

If someone has glaucoma, they should pay attention to rest, avoid prolonged eye strain, and consider frequent cold compresses for the eyes, as well as using symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication. In terms of diet, it’s recommended to consume more fresh vegetables, avoid spicy, fishy, or irritating foods, and regularly check eye pressure. If conservative treatment is ineffective, surgical treatment may be considered.
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