Can pediatric strabismus be treated and improved?
Can children’s vision control glasses effectively control myopia?
The child’s eyes have been tearing and they often cry, can congenital amblyopia be alleviated?
There are many methods for treating amblyopia, including fine motor training (such as threading, beading, and drawing), amblyopia training device treatment (including red light flashing therapy and afterimage therapy), and binocular training.
Discussing the Treatment Methods and Feasibility of Congenital Amblyopia
The golden period for treating amblyopia is as early as possible, ideally not later than the age of 6, to achieve optimal results.
The earlier the treatment for amblyopia, the better, starting as early as 1-2 years old, with optimal treatment outcomes before the age of 6; after 6 years old, the effectiveness of treatment gradually decreases, and it is generally ineffective above the age of 12.
Congenital glaucoma can be treated with conservative therapy or surgery, but the effectiveness varies from person to person.
Congenital glaucoma can cause permanent damage to a child’s vision, potentially leading to blindness. Early detection and treatment are crucial.
A 23-year-old female patient inquires about the possibility of treating congenital left eye esotropia.