Solutions for a 1-Year-Old’s Left Eye Esotropia

A one-year-old child is found to have left eye esotropia, which is not a complete strabismus and sometimes appears normal. Consider wearing glasses after 18 months to improve appearance and prevent the progression of strabismus into amblyopia. A re-examination and possible refraction is needed between 6 months to 1 year after the age of 6 months to 1 year, as the degree of hyperopia may decrease with the development of the eyes, and may no longer require glasses. It is essential to confirm the cause before treatment and implement symptomatic therapy. Daily care is also very important; it is recommended to drink plenty of water and consume vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables.
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Solutions for Dry Eyes After Glaucoma Surgery

Dry eyes after glaucoma surgery are a common reaction. Antibiotic eye drops, such as levofloxacin hydrochloride, can be used for treatment. Regularly check eye pressure post-surgery, maintain good eye hygiene, avoid overusing your eyes, keep a positive and optimistic attitude, learn to release negative emotions, consume a balanced diet, and ensure adequate rest to aid in recovery.
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