Causes and Treatment Methods of Fetal Hydrocephalus

This article introduces the possible causes of fetal hydrocephalus and the lack of effective treatment methods in current medical practice, which mainly involves observation and regular checks. It also reminds parents to closely monitor their child’s condition and seek early treatment to mitigate the potential hazards of hydrocephalus.
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Down syndrome screening program and precautions

Down syndrome screening primarily involves blood testing, but some hospitals may require additional checks, such as liver function tests and urine analysis, to comprehensively assess the health status of pregnant women. It is advisable to consult a doctor and follow their instructions before the test.
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How to Increase Amniotic Fluid Volume?

In the late stages of pregnancy, if there is a shortage of amniotic fluid, one can try intravenous fluid replacement and drinking water, as well as amniotic cavity infusion to increase the volume of amniotic fluid. If fetal infection or poor condition is detected, an immediate induction should be performed.
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