What’s the Reason for a Newborn to Cough After Eating Milk Within 4 Days?

Coughing after eating milk within 4 days of a newborn’s birth is a normal physiological response, usually caused by inhaling air while feeding. Coughing helps expel gas from the stomach, preventing choking and stomach discomfort. It is recommended to hold the baby upright after feeding and gently pat or massage their back to help them cough until they do so. Then, you can place the baby back in bed to prevent choking.
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What’s Wrong with My Newborn’s Appetite?

My baby is only 50 days old, and recently, during the day, she doesn’t eat much, she just sleeps. At night, she eats over 200 milliliters at one time, and also breastfeeds and drinks about 45 to 50 milliliters of plain water. What’s going on here?
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