What is Chromosome Disease?

Chromosome diseases are caused by abnormalities in the number or structure of chromosomes, often involving several to hundreds of genes. They commonly lead to deformities, intellectual disability, delayed growth and development, and multiple functional impairments, also known as chromosomal abnormalities syndrome. The overall incidence rate of chromosome diseases in newborns is approximately 0.6%. It is recommended that both partners who are preparing to have a child undergo a detailed examination.
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What is the Normal Range of Jaundice in Newborns After 30 Days?

In normal circumstances, jaundice appearing in newborns within 28 days is referred to as neonatal jaundice; if it occurs after 28 days, it is no longer considered neonatal jaundice. Parents can measure their child’s jaundice index. If it falls within the normal range, there is no need to worry. Due to different units and methods of measurement, the normal values for jaundice also vary. Generally, the jaundice index for a full-month-old baby should be below 100. It is recommended that parents take their child for a measurement.
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