Is Sunbathing Inside Useful for Newborn Jaundice?

Newborn jaundice can be treated with a blue light box for 12-24 hours, exposing the entire body’s skin. It is not possible to sunbathe indoors. Even if it is effective, newborns cannot be undressed in the outdoors during this season to prevent catching a cold. Oral medication can also be administered to the baby if necessary, which has a certain therapeutic effect. Adequate hydration and increased urination can also help alleviate jaundice.
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Is the Newborn Disease Screening Report Normal?

Generally, newborns can undergo health checks, primarily including tests for phenylketonuria or congenital hypothyroidism, as well as hearing tests for the baby’s ears. The report also includes audio prompts; if the detailed results are within the normal range, there is no need to worry.
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