Why Do Premature Babies Shiver in Their Legs?Explore the possible causes of leg tremors in premature babies, including nervous system development, brain cell damage, and hypocalcemia.FAQ Premature Babies Pediatrics Nervous System Muscle Control HypocalcemiaOne minute to read
Why Does My Baby Eat Little and Keep Waking Up in Sudden Fits?A one-month-old baby eating little and frequently waking up suddenly may be due to an incomplete development of the nervous system.FAQ Infant Health Nervous SystemOne minute to read
Why Does My Son Frequently Complain of Headaches, Dizziness, and Weakness?Explore the possible causes and suggestions for an eight and a half-year-old boy who frequently experiences headaches, dizziness, and overall weakness.FAQ Child Health Nervous System Headaches Dizziness FatigueOne minute to read
Why Newborns Struggle VigorouslyNewborns struggle vigorously due to the incomplete development of their nervous system.FAQ Newborn Nervous System2 minutes to read