My baby developed jaundice shortly after birth. After a week of hospital observation, it hasn’t subsided. The doctor suspects bile duct obstruction and recommends continuing to stay in the hospital for observation. I would like to know what the normal bilirubin level is for neonates with bile duct obstruction?
Understanding the normal range for neonatal jaundice disappearance, and how to promote the fading of jaundice through proper care.
Explore the normal range of neonatal jaundice, as well as the effects of breastfeeding and antihypertensive drugs on jaundice, and introduce the necessity of blue light therapy.
What is the normal range for neonatal jaundice? Full-term infants should not exceed 204 micrograms per liter (12 mg/dL), and premature infants should not exceed 255 micrograms per liter (15 mg/dL). Physiological jaundice will resolve automatically within a month, but pathological jaundice requires hospital examination and treatment.
Learn about the normal range of neonatal jaundice and how to handle high bilirubin levels.
Explore the normal range of neonatal jaundice and provide professional medical advice.
Explore the treatment methods for neonatal jaundice, including traditional Chinese medicine treatment options.
Explore the treatment methods for neonatal jaundice, emphasizing the importance of determining the cause of jaundice and the corresponding treatment plans for different causes.
If neonatal jaundice recurs after several days of blue light therapy, consider pathological jaundice and seek medical attention promptly for further examination and treatment.
If the alpha-fetoprotein level is high during neonatal jaundice treatment, it may be necessary to further investigate liver conditions. It is recommended to undergo a liver ultrasound and liver function test for diagnosis.