Discuss the management of ophthalmic abscess during neonatal jaundice hospitalization, offering professional medical advice.
Discussing the recurrence of neonatal jaundice after discharge and appropriate treatment methods.
Discuss whether massage therapy is suitable for neonatal jaundice and provide professional treatment recommendations.
Explore medication treatment methods for neonatal jaundice, including the distinction between physiological and pathological jaundice and the corresponding treatment measures.
Discussing the treatment methods for neonatal jaundice, including the importance of phototherapy and suggestions against using egg white rubbing.
Understand the methods for neonatal jaundice skin testing, as well as how to differentiate between physiological, breast milk, and pathological jaundice.
Understand the peak period of neonatal jaundice, differentiate between physiological and pathological jaundice, and the appropriate feeding methods during jaundice.
High neonatal jaundice index requires continued treatment and adjustment of the treatment plan
Discuss whether neonatal jaundice requires blue light therapy after seven days of birth, and how to differentiate between physiological and pathological jaundice.
Understand the normal index range for neonatal jaundice, as well as the onset time and duration of physiological jaundice.