Understanding the symptoms of neonatal jaundice can help in early detection and seeking appropriate medical assistance.
The symptoms of neonatal jaundice may include yellowing of the cheeks and neck, which may gradually spread to the entire body. In severe cases, it may last for more than a week. Abnormal bile color may indicate neonatal hepatitis or bile duct obstruction.
Learn about the common symptoms of neonatal myocarditis, including changes in heart rate, fever, and vomiting, and explore corresponding treatment methods.
Understanding the atypical symptoms of neonatal pneumonia can help parents identify and seek medical assistance in a timely manner.
Understanding the common symptoms of neonatal pneumonia, including cough, nasal congestion, and shortness of breath, can help parents identify and seek medical assistance in a timely manner.
Understand the symptoms of neonatal seizures, including electrolyte imbalances, hypoglycemia, intracranial hemorrhage, and more, as well as how to deal with them.
Learn about the typical symptoms of neonatal seizures, including eye twitching, irregular breathing, and muscle spasms.
Understanding the main symptoms of neonatal sepsis, including fever, systemic toxic symptoms, and potential organ infections.
Understanding the early atypical symptoms of neonatal sepsis, and the importance of identifying them and seeking timely medical attention.
Understanding the Symptoms of Neonatal Tetanus