How Does Nearsightedness in Children Develop?

The causes of nearsightedness in children can be categorized into several types, including strabismic amblyopia, refractive error amblyopia, anisometropic amblyopia, deprivation amblyopia, and congenital amblyopia. Early detection and treatment are crucial for managing amblyopia. For a detailed understanding of how nearsightedness in children develops, it is recommended to take your child to the hospital for a clear diagnosis of the cause and to carefully select a treatment plan.
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How to Adjust Nearsightedness and Strabismus in a 6-Year-Old Child?

The binocular alternate occlusion method can be used for refractive amblyopia and monocular strabismic amblyopia. If the vision of the amblyopic eyes is equal, binocular equal quantity alternate occlusion can be adopted, with each eye covered for 3 days; if there is a difference in vision between the eyes, a 4:1 or 5:1 method can be used according to the specific situation, meaning covering the better-seeing eye for 4 days and then switching to cover the weaker-seeing eye for 1 day, allowing the eye with poorer vision to see more things, thereby training it more and promoting faster improvement in vision, aiming for balanced and enhanced binocular vision.
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