Can a Child with Diarrhea Eat Egg Yolk?

If your baby is experiencing diarrhea symptoms, it is recommended to give them Montmorillonite Powder for diarrhea relief and treatment. Eating egg yolk can also be part of the auxiliary treatment. Additionally, you can moderation supplement probiotics to regulate intestinal health. At the same time, you can give your baby some fruit and vegetable juices to supplement vitamins.
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Does Excessive Consumption of Cold Drinks Cause Diarrhea in Children?

With the recent hot weather, the frequency of children eating ice cream has significantly increased. Parents buy large quantities of ice cream for their children, who finish it all in a short time. In this situation, if children experience diarrhea symptoms, could it be related to excessive consumption of cold drinks?
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How to Handle and Treat Diarrhea in Children

Based on your description, it may be caused by nausea and vomiting during autumn and winter, which is common in rotavirus infections. The winter nausea and vomiting virus usually lasts for about a week, and you can take Montmorillonite Powder + Loperamide Granules + Probiotics, and also consume Huoxiang Decoction. If there are too many bowel movements, pay attention to hydration, and use oral rehydration salts for hydration.
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