How to Correct Stuttering in Children?

Stutterers exhibit a wide range of symptoms. Due to the complex nature of stuttering, its treatment is also diverse and complex. Currently, stuttering treatment primarily focuses on non-pharmacological approaches, including language training, psychological therapy, biofeedback metronomes, altering vocal production methods, delayed auditory feedback techniques, and sound masking methods. Treatment should be tailored to the individual’s specific stuttering characteristics, personality, emotions, and behavior, choosing appropriate treatment methods for each person.
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How to Help a 29-Month-Old Who Won’t Speak?

The child can only say simple words like ‘Dad’, ‘Dou Dou’, ‘Dandan’, and occasionally ‘Mom’. He understands what adults say and expresses his meaning through finger pointing or body movements. He has been checked for trace elements at a local hospital and found to be deficient in calcium, so he has been taking calcium supplements but no other checks have been done. We want to know what checks should be done to find out why the child cannot speak, and how we can help him start speaking.
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