Causes of Abnormal Percentage of Children’s Cells and Treatment Recommendations

Abnormal percentage of children’s cells may be caused by viral fever or Kawasaki disease. It is recommended to use Qingkailing Drops or Yingyang Granules and ensure the child drinks plenty of water and has regular bowel movements. If the child has Kawasaki disease, antibiotic treatment may be ineffective, and it is recommended to use antiviral treatment and traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment. At the same time, the diet should be light and avoid spicy and puff pastry foods, and ensure the child has regular bowel movements.
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How Should Kawasaki Disease Be Treated?

A 6-year-old boy experienced an unusual itching in his elbow and knee joints a year ago, with no external symptoms. The doctor believed it was growing pains. In November this year, he had a continuous fever for four times, with an ESR of 105 and no dilatation of the coronary artery, and was diagnosed with Kawasaki disease. After taking medication, the fever subsided, but whether to continue taking medication? Symptoms of Kawasaki disease also include high fever and skin desquamation. Most children with Kawasaki disease recover without serious complications. If diagnosed as Kawasaki disease within 10 days of onset, the use of serum immunoglobulin and high-dose aspirin is effective. However, if it exceeds 10 days, the effect is usually poor, even ineffective. It is best to take medication under a doctor’s guidance.
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How to Diagnose and Treat Kawasaki Disease in Children?

The child is a premature baby who has always been weak and prone to illness, often suffering from colds and fevers. Recently, they have been experiencing a persistent high fever, with sudden low fevers at night that have lasted for almost five days now. Their eyes are extremely red, and there is a suspicion that they may have Kawasaki disease. Parents are seeking assistance on how to diagnose the condition and whether it’s appropriate to administer aspirin medication for treatment.
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