Should Newborn Jaundice Be at Zero?

My baby was diagnosed with mild jaundice two days after birth and was discharged after taking medication. After a few days of medication, I’m not sure how to determine if the jaundice has completely cleared up. Does it mean the jaundice is gone when it’s at zero? The doctor said that complete resolution of jaundice does not mean it has dropped to zero, but is determined through blood tests to assess liver function. In addition, observing the baby’s eyes for yellowing and skin color changes when pressed can also be used as indicators to determine if the jaundice has cleared up.
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Solutions for Neonatal Jaundice

If a newborn’s bilirubin level exceeds 20 as measured by transcutaneous testing, it is recommended to admit the baby immediately for a check-up and possibly undergo phototherapy with blue light to prevent bilirubin encephalopathy, which can affect cognitive development.
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