Can I Breastfeed After Taking Medicine for Jaundice for Three Days?

The baby has had jaundice for about a week and a half. When it was born, the baby’s complexion was very rosy, but over the past week, the baby’s face has become rather yellow. The hospital visit yesterday said it was moderate jaundice, advised to stop breastfeeding for five days, and prescribed two medications: Sanlian Huoxue Powder and Yinjie Huang Oral Liquid. Now it can be seen with the naked eye
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Can I Continue Breastfeeding with Jaundice?

Based on the description of the child’s condition, the child’s bilirubin levels have been hovering between 15 and 17. The doctor considers breastmilk jaundice. If it is breastmilk jaundice, breastfeeding should be stopped, and feeding should be gradually transitioned to using a bottle. It is recommended to feed the child reasonably, take the baby out in the sun more often to boost their immune system, pay attention to supplementing with vad drops, and regularly bring the baby to the hospital pediatric health consultation for monitoring the child’s growth and development.
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Can Neonatal Hemolytic Disease Be Recovered?

Neonatal hemolytic disease can be cured with proper treatment, and in severe cases, it requires intensive care and anti-AIgG antibody titer testing. It usually accompanies jaundice symptoms, but with measures such as intravenous immunoglobulin infusion and medication treatment, a full recovery is possible, and breastfeeding can continue after discharge.
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