Newborn Jaundice

Newborn jaundice is categorized into physiological and pathological types. If jaundice appears after 24 hours of birth and the baby is feeding well and in good spirits, it is likely physiological jaundice. Conversely, if jaundice occurs within 24 hours of birth and is accompanied by symptoms such as crying and fussiness, it may be pathological jaundice.
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Newborn Jaundice and Fever Management

A 14-day-old newborn with a high jaundice level of 350 and fever of 38.3°C was hospitalized for treatment. After three days, the jaundice level dropped to 170, and the child’s temperature stabilized at 37.3°C. The pediatrician commented on the elevated bilirubin levels and prescribed antibiotics. I asked if the child still needed to be hospitalized.
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